Testimonials from those who know our school best
Welcome to the 'What Our Parents Say' page for Si Ri Panya International School! On this page, you'll find a collection of stories from our parents sharing their experiences and perspectives about what makes our school special. In addition to testimonials, we have also included results from a recent parent survey that provide insight into the overall satisfaction and engagement of our school community. We hope this page will give you a sense of the strong sense of community that exists at Si Ri Panya International School and the many ways in which our school has impacted the lives of our students and their families.
Parent View Survey 2022
Each year, Si Ri panya releases a Parent View Survey to find out how families feel about the school.
We ask for parent opinion on 12 aspects of the school. The questions are carefully chosen to ensure that they cover a range of issues which are important to parents but are equally designed to provide the School with the right information to support future decisions and form an essential element of the jigsaw of information.
Parents’ perceptions are crucial in coming to a view about the effectiveness of a school and by sharing their views, parents are helping us to improve the school.