At Si Ri Panya InternatIonal School we understand that parents and families have busy lives outside of school and we have endeavored to make our homework system clear and manageable for everyone.
Homework is sent home every Friday and returned the following Thursday.
Whilst support from parents is a vital and positive part of the children’s homework, we encourage that the children complete it within their own ability. If you are finding that the homework is too challenging, please see your classroom teacher. Please continue to talk with your child about what they are learning, encouraging them to explain concepts and share understanding with you.

Our spelling lists follow the UK Department for Education’s common words and year-group spelling patterns. Each year group has ten words to learn weekly. Most children follow the same list and take part in a weekly Spelling Challenge, which is highly motivating. Teachers monitor progress closely.
We ask parents to support learning by encouraging daily spelling practice as part of our homework policy.
How Spelling Lists Are Shared: Every Friday, teachers email a summary of the week’s learning, a preview of the upcoming week, and details of the Friday homework (due the following Thursday). The email will also specify which spelling list to study. You can access the relevant spelling lists through the links below.
Supporting Different Needs: Spelling lists align with year group expectations, but we adapt where needed:
A Year 3 child needing extra support may revisit Year 2 words.
A Year 4 child excelling in spelling may try Year 5 words.
At Si Ri Panya, we recognise that children learn in different ways. Developing strong spelling skills requires regular practice using a variety of approaches. Below are some effective strategies to support your child’s spelling at home. Strategies for Learning to Spell Sound it out – Break words into individual sounds (phonemes) to help with spelling. Break words into syllables – Clap or tap out each syllable to reinforce pronunciation and spelling patterns. Use mnemonics and rhymes – Create memorable phrases or rhymes to help recall tricky words. Try visual strategies – Use ‘word shape’ activities or write words in different styles, such as bubble writing. Use multi-sensory techniques – Encourage children to write words in sand, shaving foam, or with a paintbrush and water. Make it social – Play games like ‘spelling tennis,’ where players take turns saying each letter in a word. Use movement – Engage in physical activities such as jumping for each letter in a word. Spelling Practice at Home Using Flashcards Pairs Game – Make two sets of tricky words and take turns picking and spelling them aloud. Flip, Read, Spell & Write – Flip over a word card, read it, spell it aloud, then write it down. Look, Cover, Write, Check – Look at the word, cover it, write it from memory, then check. Pocket Cards – Keep small word cards for quick practice on the go. Using Pen and Paper Spelling Race – Call out a word and see who writes it first. Staircase Words – Write the word step by step (e.g. S → Sp → Spe → Spell). Tic-Tac-Toe – Use spelling words instead of Xs and Os. Multi-sensory Writing – Trace words in sand, rice, or condensation on a window. Using Technology Typing Practice – Let children type out spellings, experimenting with font sizes and colours. By making spelling practice engaging and varied, children develop confidence and fluency in their spelling. If you have any questions about supporting your child’s learning, please speak to their teacher.
Spelling Support Strategies for Home Practice
At Si Ri Panya International School, pupils will be assigned maths tasks on Mathletics. These tasks will be linked to what they have been working on in their maths lessons.
Mathletics is an online platform which enables children to complete maths problems, reasoning questions and maths games. The platform uses material from the British national curriculum and is inline with White Rose Math scheme of work.
Each child is issued with their own log in card for Mathletics. On the card, you will find the web address, username and password so you can access your account online, whilst at home.
Watch our Mathletics video, where we explain how to navigate the platform and show you the different features of this wonderful tool.
As part of their homework, every child will be sent home a Reading Reward Chart.
Every time you read with you child, please fill out and sign one of the boxes.
When the chart is complete, your child must return it to their teacher to receive a special reading certificate in assembly.

Oxford Owl is an online learning platform that supports our school reading program. Here you will find a library of eBooks to read with your child. The tablet-friendly eBooks, include all of your child’s favourite characters from Biff, Chip and Kipper to the Project X Team.